Caroline: My First Patchwork Quilt

I’m too lazy for quiltling. And I’m too slap-dash for patchwork. So this little number is quite an achievement for me!

My first ever attempt at patchwork is made from the Sarah Kay fabric remnants from a duvet cover I had as a child, the rose bud patterned remnants from the fabric used to make crib buffers when I was a baby, and the off-cuts from a Laura Ashley dress I shortened for Lauren. Also, lots of vintage sheet scraps.

Because I’m too cheap to buy wadding Because I’m all about upcycling this year, it’s padded with a throw I bought in Primark a few years back, which ended up snagged and pulled beyond respectability and shoved in the airing cupboard.

I machined the patchwork elements, then hand-quilted and hand-stitched the edges. Which were made from several very long strips of duvet cover, folded in and in again and ironed closed.

I’m quite proud of my first quilt! I now feel safe tackling a grown-up version to throw over the back of Dapper’s sofa for those cold winter nights…

3 responses to “Caroline: My First Patchwork Quilt

  1. That is beautiful, that must have taken so long, but so worth it and how lovely to have memories built in with the fabric

  2. Pingback: Flora, fauna and a 40 foot foe | Second Hand Shopper·

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