Book Club Questions: One Day

It is our book club meeting this week so here are some questions to get you thinking about the book and points of discussion. This time we are discussing One Day by David Nicholls. These questions do contain spoilers so don’t read on if you haven’t finished the book yet!

  • Do you think Dexter and Emma would have been happy had they admitted their love and devotion to each other much earlier in their lives? Is their love a product of their long, off and on friendship through the years, or could it have been realized even if they’d gotten together earlier? Do you know people who have had a similar relationship?
  • Why do you think Dexter came so close to telling Emma his true feelings (for example, in the candid letter to her that he stuck in a book and promptly forgot) but then decided against it?
  • Do you know people who make wrong choices repeatedly and almost seem determined to be unhappy? Do you think this is a good description of Emma? Dexter? Neither?
  • Did Emma’s sudden accident and death take you by surprise? If not, how did you see it coming?
  • Did Emma ever really love Ian or was she just trying to, hoping to? How did you feel when their relationship ended?
  • Do you have a favorite character? A least favorite?
  • The When Harry Met Sally question: What do you think – can a single man and a single woman ever truly be “just friends,” or does one of them always want more?
  • Rate One Day by David Nicholls on a scale of 1 to 5.

These questions were found here, if you have any other points to discuss add them as a comment or bring them along to the meeting.

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